Contact me
It’s great that you want to contact me, I am flattered and I will do everything I can to answer all e-mails other than spam. To help me achieve this please do not put me on mailing lists without first asking me. Like everyone I have too much to read and I don’t want to miss important stuff in clutter.
About my business services
If you want to contact me to enquire about my mentoring or other business services I will be delighted to communicate with you. There are some facts about the services I provide for business on the ‘services’ page of this blog, and if you link to my business website you’ll find more detail. If you would like me to speak at your event or facilitate a meeting please contact me through the form below – If I can fit into your needs I would be very pleased to assist.
You may want to call me for comments or interviews and I am always willing to make comment if it is an area where I can add value.
I’ll help where I can
If you are one of the many, many budding entrepreneurs or one whose business is not working, and you want assistance but cannot pay for it, please read on….. If some kind soul could arrange for me to win the lottery I will help all of you all day long – I love entrepreneurs! But I have to earn my keep and although I mentor several organisations every year at no cost to them I have to limit the amount of time I spend not earning money. I choose these companies, so I may not be able to help you for free. But please, fill out the form below describing what you need, and I’ll tell you what (if anything) I can suggest or do for you.
Ed Hatton
+2782 652 8733